Friday, 10 June 2011

M. NourbeSe Philip: Archive and Memory, Law and Poetry 24 June, 2011

M. NourbeSe Philip
The Memory of Water in the Silence of History

Friday 24 June 2011, 5pm – 7pm
Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre
Whitehead Building
Goldsmiths, University of London, SE14 6NW

Poet and author, M. NourbeSe Philip is a guest
at the 6th International Caribbean Women’s Writing

NourbeSe will speak about connections, both personal
and objective, between law and poetry and how these
led her to the “un/writing” and (re) righting of ZONG!

Refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to

Hosted by the Centre for Caribbean Studies,
Department of English and Comparative Literature
and the Graduate School